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(soothes skin, antioxidants protect against free radicals, combats bacterial and fungal disorders, soothes skin conditions and disorders, detoxifies, heals injured skin, helps prevent wrinkles)


(maintains skin pH, rejuvenates cells, vitamins A and C promote collagen production reducing signs of aging, combats dryness, fatty acids soothe and moisturize skin, heals skin irritation)


(promotes healing of burns and injuries, reduces inflammation, soothes and moisturizes, antimicrobial agents kill bacteria to fight acne, reduces the appearance of wrinkles)

Epson salt

(soothes sore muscles, relieves itching, helps with muscle aches and pains, a source of magnesium that is easily absorbed through the skin to restore your body’s magnesium levels (magnesium is the second most abundant element in the body, and it is responsible for over 300 enzymes and reactions within our bodies), softens skin, promotes detoxing, decreases inflammation, promotes heart health, relieves stress and fatigue, improves circulation and blood flow, relieve insomnia, replenish electrolytes)

Bouquet Toss

Expected to ship by April 20, 2024
  • Bring bathwater to a hot temperature (optionally you may also boil the whole tea bag in a large pot) then place tea bag into hot bath (be careful with the water at this point). Allow to “steep” for 5-15mins or until water has cooled to a reasonable temperature (test the temperature of the water using the back of your hand before getting in) after steeping, step in and enjoy!

    It is suggested to clean the bathtub after enjoying your tea bath to prevent staining.

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